Personalized Customer Experiences

Marketing is an Investment In You

Personalized marketing turns marketing as an activity into marketing as an experience. To no surprise, customers would rather be treated like a person than like a sale. This not only increases their trust in the company, but also increases their loyalty to the company. The best way to generate customer loyalty is to show that you value them!

Now that you know the importance of personalized marketing… what next?

How to Create Personalized Customer Experiences Through Marketing:

OMG has created a list of tricks and tips for you to get started on personalizing your marketing and creating genuine experiences for your customers.

  1. Start a blog or a newsletter that shares what your company is doing in the community, within your office, and within your industry! By giving your customers a peek into your business’ life, they’ll feel a more personal connection to who you are.
  2.  When in contact with any customers, whether over email or phone, personalize your addresses! All your emails should address a person by their real name, rather than “Customer”, and all your emails should have a signature from a real person, rather that “Company name”. As mentioned early, the fastest way to gain customer loyalty is to make them feel like you value them as a person, not just as a sale.
  3. Generate content that appeals to the specific wants and needs of your target market and customer base! By showing that you care about your customer needs, they will feel like they have an impact on your business. Again, show your customers that you value them!
  4. Respond to your customers and prospect customers on social media! Show your customers that there is a real person behind the screen! Customers will love and appreciate that your company is taking the time for their thoughts, opinions, and questions. Customer appreciation leads to customer loyalty!
  5.  Engage in your local community through events, sponsorships, social media mentions, and general support for the endeavors of others in the community! Each company is only as successful as the success of the community that they live in. Showing support for your community is a great way to generate customer attention and appreciation!

What’s Next for Your Business?

  • Start implementing theses tips and tricks! And if you have any questions, reach out to us at!
  • Follow our social media (@ontramarketing) to see how we engage with our customers and community!
  • Sign up for our quarterly newsletter to learn about what OMG is doing in the community!