Marketing Investment

Marketing Investment In You Header

How Do We Define Marketing?

Marketing is defined as: “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.” Promoting. Advertising. Research. More often than not, these actions are seen as an inevitable, but necessary cost to the business. However, what if we change this perspective? Instead of viewing marketing as a business expense, why not view it as a business INVESTMENT in yourself?

Change the perspective of marketing as a personal cost, to marketing as a self-investment. As a result, you will shift the entire business mindset of the marketing process. Rather than feeling an unwanted need to promote your business, decide that you want to promote your business! By changing your perspective to wanting to invest in yourself and your business, you will engage your business into the community. ENGAGEMENT is the pinnacle to all things in marketing. Engage with your customers through marketing, and they will engage in business with you!

How Do You Invest in YOU?

  • Own a WEBSITE that highlights who you are as a business! The more people know your business, the more they will trust you and your brand. Websites are vital to connecting with your customer market and increasing awareness of your business.
  • Connect with your customers through SOCIAL MEDIA! Social media is the fastest growing platform to market your business. In fact, 90% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses (Social Media Examiner, 2015).
  • Utilize TRADITIONAL MARKETING tools including signage, business cards, and customized products to market your business! By using physical and mobile marketing tactics, you are optimizing awareness of your business on all platforms!
  • REMEMBER: Marketing is an investment in your business, NOT a cost to your business!

You can start investing in your business through marketing one step at a time. The most important thing is that you start! Therefore, the best time to start marketing is NOW!

What Next?

For more tips on marketing your business and investing in yourself, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook at @ontramarketing to see our #MarketingTipOfTheWeek, industry trends, and more!

Give us a call! At OMG, we work all facets of marketing, and would love to start the process of investing in you! If you have marketing needs, then we have marketing solutions for you!